Check out my latest LOTE testimonials from people that passed their exam using my course and tutoring!

Sara Ravell-Cáceres

Thank the Lord! My second attempt taking it since 2019 and I passed! Thank you all on here that helped with guidance and also Courtney Schonefeld for her tutoring session and program!

Miriam Childers


I passed my LOTE 613 on the FIRST try!!!! Mi programa solo me dio una oportunidad para pasarlo, mi estrés estaba al 1000%% . Thank you Texas Teacher Today/LOTE TEXES 613 for your help and Jamilah Tigner for this group!!!

Samantha Dismuke

Top contributor  

3rd times a charm!!! I passed!!! Thank you Texas Teacher Today/LOTE TEXES 613Courtney Schonefeld for the wonderful study course and resources you’ve created!!!


Nayeli Garcia


Huge thanks to Courtney Schonefeld for the guidance! I received my LOTE scores yesterday and passed on my first try. Super thankful. 💕 Si se puede.

Are You Ready?

If you’re ready to pass your LOTE, check out my LOTE 613 Course and Tutoring. You’ll get weekly tutoring on pedagogy/instruction and assessment, writing, speaking, reading, and listening. We go over the lesson plan, as well as tips and strategies. You could be the next person on my LOTE testimonials page! If you don’t want tutoring, and want a do it yourself course, this is a great option for you. Be sure to check out resources to pass the LOTE here.