Are you looking for free practice for the LOTE 613 pedagogy questions? This section of the test has 45 multiple choice questions, and it counts for 26.6% of the exam. You only get 45 minutes to answer the questions. You have to know second language acquisition theories, models, experts, the 5 C’s, ACTFL guidelines, and more. My digital course and weekly tutoring will teach you all you need to know, but here is some free practice.
A Spanish student is excellent at forming coherent sentences. Which of the following is she deomonstrating?
A. Grammatical competence
B. Sociolinguistic competence
C. Discourse competence
D. Strategic competence
C is correct. A student who has discourse competence forms sentences coherently for both writing and speaking.
Which of the following is the most thorough way to assess all aspects of communication?
B. A formal assessment on interpretive and interpersonal communication
C. An informal assessment on presentational communication
D. A summative assessment on presentational and interpretive communication
A is correct because an integrated performance assessment, or IPA, tests all three types of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational.)
A Spanish teacher creates a classroom with a low affective filter and uses a lot of comprehensible input + 1 with scaffolding. Whose ideas is she implementing?
A. Dell Hymes’s
B. Noam Chomsky’s
C. Stephen Krashen’s
D. Lev Vygotsky’s
C is correct. Stephen Krashen developed the affective filter and comprehensible input hypotheses.

Learn more about the pedagogy section here. To get more LOTE 613 pedagogy questions, check out my Facebook page Texas Teacher Today/LOTE 613.