LOTE Spanish 613 Instruction and Assessment and Pedagogy Guide

LOTE Instruction and Assessment/Pedagogy
LOTE Spanish 613 Instruction and Assessment and Pedagogy Guide
Instruction and Assessment/Pedagogy is the largest part of the exam.

Pass the LOTE Instruction and Assessment/Pedagogy Section

  • In order to pass the LOTE, the sample Pearson test recommends that you have at least 80% possible points.
  • Why do you even need to study for the pedagogy section? Learn why you need a guide or course here.
  • For the pedagogy section, that means you need to answer 32 (or more) out of 40 questions correctly.
  • There are 45 questions for this section, but 5 are not scored. You will not know which ones count and which ones don’t.
  • A lot of people send me their score reports. Without using a good study guide or course, most people get about 20-25 questions correct on this section, which is far less than 32.
  • Because this section accounts for 34.4% of the exam, even native and heritage speakers fail this exam if they don’t prepare for LOTE instruction and assessment/pedagogy.
  • The most important and helpful thing you can do is to get a high quality study guide or course and carefully study it. We offer digital courses and printable study guides.
  • Learn why you need a pedagogy guide here. Even if you’re completely fluent in Spanish, you will likely fail the test if you don’t learn the pedagogy.
  • You need to know second language acquisition experts, like Krashen and Lewis, second language acquisition programs, the 5 C’s, ACTFL Guidelines, and more.
LOTE Instruction and Assessment/Pedagogy
LOTE Spanish 613 Instruction and Assessment and Pedagogy Guide
  • If you don’t know about the FLES and FLEX programs, Noam Chomsky, Stephen Krashen, the 5 C’s, the ACTFL Guidelines, etc., then you need a good study guide or digital course.
  • It’s also helpful to read the Texas NESINC manual and review their sample questions and rationales. Learning why the answers are correct can help you get more answers right on your exam.
  • After you study, take the $10 Pearson test and see how you do. It will help you determine if you are ready or not.
  • Need more practice for pedagogy/instruction and assessment? I offer a sample test for $7.99.
  • I also offer private and group tutoring to help you pass the LOTE. You may book tutoring here.
  • Learn more about recommended resources here.
Learn about the 5 C’s of Foreign Language. You’ll see questions about these on the LOTE.