Do you need help passing the LOTE Spanish 613 Exam? I have passed the LOTE and have years of experience helping people just like you pass, too! Below are some recommended resources to help YOU pass this challenging exam. Frustrated? You’re not alone. So many people fail this exam and feel defeated, but I’m here to guide you and give you hope to pass next time! Email me at to ask about my intense LOTE Spanish 613 tutoring.

Texas NESINC Manual
First, carefully review Texas NESINC manual. Check out what the exam covers and read the sample questions, starting with Pedagogy/Instruction and Assessment.
Pedagogy/Instruction and Assessment
Now, if you do not know the answers to those pedagogy questions in the Texas NESINC manual, and most people do not, be sure to study a guide or course for pedagogy/instruction and assessment. We offer a digital LOTE pedagogy course with content and realistic sample test questions for the pedagogy/instruction and assessment section. This course is perfect for you if you only need help on pedagogy/instruction and assessment and the lesson plan. If you’re sure you only need help on pedagogy and the lesson plan, you can check out more information about my pedagogy course here.
However, we also offer a comprehensive LOTE course if you need to improve in all areas, including pedagogy/instruction and assessment, the lesson plan, interpretive reading, interpretive listening, writing proficiency, and oral/speaking proficiency. If you buy the comprehensive course, you do NOT need the pedagogy course, since it is included. In the comprehensive course, you are even able to complete your own 8 constructed response tasks (5 writing tasks and 3 speaking tasks) that are required on the exam and get feedback on how to improve your score.
Download our free sample lesson plans to learn how to write your own effective lesson plan and earn a perfect score.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and TEKS
While you study the pedagogy/instruction and assessment, read the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. This will help you answer the pedagogy questions and will also help you know what types of activities are appropriate for level. That is super important because your lesson plan activities must match the proficiency level they provide.
Our digital LOTE pedagogy course and our comprehensive LOTE course have a simple chart to explain what is expected at each level, but it is important to read the whole document.
Read the TEKS for LOTE. This will help you know what students learn and are expected to know at each level of Spanish, and they align it to the ACTFL guidelines.
Improve Your Spanish
Although the pedagogy/instruction and assessment is the largest single section, it is important to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Spanish. We recommend at least 15 to 20 minutes each day for each one, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, you should study pedagogy for 15-20 minutes per day.
Consider taking a grammar course.
Make sure you know where to put accents. Leaving them off or putting them in the wrong place can cost you significant points. We have a FREE guide with the rules for accent marks.
Reading Comprehension/Interpretive Reading
Practice reading advanced Spanish and look up words you do not know and memorize them. You can start with released STAAR tests for elementary school if you are not ready for higher level Spanish.
If your comprehension is already pretty strong, we recommend the book Barron’s AP Spanish Language and Culture. You may even be able to find this book at a local library.
Writing Proficiency
Open a Google doc and practice writing your response to the prompts in my digital course and from the Texas NESINC manual. Be sure to time yourself as if you are taking the exam. You have 50 minutes to write the three tasks in Spanish, and 35 minutes to write the lesson plan and essay in English.
Interpretive Listening/Listening Comprehension
You need to be able to understand native speakers from all Spanish speaking countries. These links have free audio files to practice listening comprehension. There are no sample questions like on the exam, but this is a great free way to practice listening to different accents. UT Spanish Proficiency Spanish Listening Texas NESINC Practice
Practice in my comprehensive LOTE course, and speak with native speakers as often as possible, asking them to correct you. Time yourself in the three required speaking tasks.